Skotte group's client

Queensland Health

All Projects

Future State Blueprint and Program

The Queensland Health Reform Office was established to address growing demands on the health system, support the vision for Queensland’s health system reform and innovations to deliver better end-to-end care and medical care for Queenslanders. Led the design of the future state blueprint and program approach. Developed an interactive future state design blueprint, supported ad-hoc to the strategy development of the enabling components necessary for reform (ICT, data, funding, policy, workforce, governance and partnerships) and established the program planning tool to run the master schedule.

Policy and strategy

Health Reform Programs

Designed and developed reform approaches and programs in health agencies including policy, funding, models of care and data insights for investment decisions. Engaged with key health practitioners and experts nationally, to design approaches to address capacity concerns across health systems.

Policy and strategy

Procurement Transformation

Undertook a detailed 4-month assessment of procurement, category management and purchasing in Queensland Health and designed a transformation program to improve supply chains, generate value from better purchasing decision and used demand and supply planning to support right size buying. Implemented procurement and purchasing data insights against mega categories.

Policy and strategy

Critical Supply Reserve and Covid-19 Surety

Led the development of a half-billion-dollar investment in supply chain surety for Queensland Health. This included the design of a pandemic response and reservice for the State, development of the operating model, construction of four purpose-built storage locations and investment in new capability for supply chain management and procurement.

Business case, financial and data insights

Business Cases for multiple projects

Program Director for the delivery of business cases in support of investments including state-wide car parking; Herston Precinct, Kingaroy Hospital Redevelopment and Gladstone Hospital Emergency Department Expansion.

Business case, financial and data insights

Business Cases for multiple projects

Program Director for the delivery of business cases in support of hospital reconfiguration and expansions; spinal injuries unit; cyclotron procurement; retail forecourt expansion PAH; PPPs (Metro South HHS); Strategic Infrastructure Plan (West Moreton HHS); Cardiac Unit (Metro North HHS).

Business case, financial and data insights

Payroll Reform

Developed the $1.2bn business case to rectify the issues that emerged from Queensland Health’s payroll. This included design of the program to rectify the pay anomalies, redesigning the payroll operating model and resources, changing the pay date and addressing system issues. This resulted in a 10-year $1.2bn investment.

Business case, financial and data insights

Covid-19 Surety Demand and Supply Planning

Establish Demand and Supply planning in supply chain services as part of the Government Covid-19 response. Current work to apply the same model around health service planning and new models of care.
Member of the Covid-19 Surety Division which was tasked to set up the Queensland Health (QH) Covid-19 response data framework and reporting infrastructure. Worked directly with the supply chain services network and the QH procurement teams to provide supply updates on PPE stock to the Deputy Director General and Premier. Led the foundational supply chain data framework utilised across the QH network that is still being utilised to date. Championed the supply chain reporting and data module within the QH enterprise data warehouse, including the translation of the logic and data definitions from S/4HANA.

Business case, financial and data insights

Financial Systems Renewal Project 

Supported the various testing cycles throughout the software development lifecycle, including the development and maintenance of numerous dashboards and reports used across multiple project activities. Set up the instance of Service Now and managed the hypercare period as a queue manager, working directly with the functional and subject matter experts across the ERP / QH landscape. To help automate the queue management process, developed an algorithm to read and classify support tickets to proactively identify system issues and helped manage an influx of 3000+ daily support tickets.

Business case, financial and data insights

Covid-19 Supply Chain Surety Response

Led the whole of Government supply chain response for Covid-19 through Queensland Health. As response lead, implemented demand modelling, supply allocation and secured supply chains and supplies through multiple national and international channels.

Program and project management