Read about our team’s collective experience prior to and during their time with Skotte Group. You can filter our extensive experience list by filtering for the services that apply to you and your needs most.
Development Strategy Analysis Report
Preparation of a Development Strategy Analysis Report through studies of similar health precincts to inform the proposed precinct development strategy and economic modelling for the potential developments.
Redevelopment of Gabba Stadium – Project Validation Report (PVR)
Program Director and Project Manager for the PVR tailored investment case for the redevelopment of the Gabba Stadium as part of the Brisbane 2032 Olympics Program.
Beerburrum to Nambour (B2N) Rail Upgrade Project
Business case writer for the $550m Beerburrum to Nambour (B2N) Rail Upgrade Project which was successful in securing funding between the Australian and Queensland governments on a 70:30 basis.
Critical Supply Reserve and Covid-19 Surety
Led the development of a half-billion-dollar investment in supply chain surety for Queensland Health. This included the design of a pandemic response and reservice for the State, development of the operating model, construction of four purpose-built storage locations and investment in new capability for supply chain management and procurement.
Business Cases for multiple projects
Program Director for the delivery of business cases in support of investments including state-wide car parking; Herston Precinct, Kingaroy Hospital Redevelopment and Gladstone Hospital Emergency Department Expansion.
Business Cases for multiple projects
Program Director for the delivery of business cases in support of hospital reconfiguration and expansions; spinal injuries unit; cyclotron procurement; retail forecourt expansion PAH; PPPs (Metro South HHS); Strategic Infrastructure Plan (West Moreton HHS); Cardiac Unit (Metro North HHS).
Payroll Reform
Developed the $1.2bn business case to rectify the issues that emerged from Queensland Health’s payroll. This included design of the program to rectify the pay anomalies, redesigning the payroll operating model and resources, changing the pay date and addressing system issues. This resulted in a 10-year $1.2bn investment.
Business Cases for multiple projects
Developed / reviewed business cases for multiple projects, including the $723m Tweed Valley Hospital and $720m Randwick Campus Redevelopment.
Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Project (Stage 1A)
Delivery Lead for the legal chapter for the detailed business case for Stage 1A of the Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Project for Building Queensland.
Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment Project
Delivery Lead for the legal chapter for the preliminary business case for the Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment Project for Building Queensland.